3D Work

Below is some of the 3D Hard Surface Models that I have produced.  These models have been created using 3D Studio Max and also use of Adobe Photoshop for texturing. 

Zonda Cinque:

Produced in my own spare time using 3D Studio Max 2011 and Adobe Photoshop CS3. The model is 17,481 polys, 30,908 tri's. The model is of the unique road going Cinque produced by Italian sports maker Zonda. The model is exterior only, produced using editable box and plane modelling techniques utilising normal, specular and reflection map textures. 

Toyota Hilux: 

Produced as a third year assingment in 2011. The model had to be no more than 15,000 polys and needed to be imported into the Unreal engine. The model was created using editable box and plane modelling techniques, utilizing normal and specular map textures.