Below is some of the level work that I have created whilst at both University and also in my own spare time.
Lightmass Experiment:
For my dissertation in my final year of university, I carried out an investigation into 'How Lighting and Environmental Effects could change the look and feel of a level'. To carry this investigation out, I used the UDK beta and it's Lightmass tools, and Unreal Cascade to create 6 different themes for one level (The 'Foliage_Map', created by Epic Games and was shipped with the UDK beta). Above are the results for each theme.
Rubble Scene:
A small scene created in the Unreal Tournament 3 Editor of a collapsed building. This was produced using an existing level I submitted for a 2nd year assignment. The general layout was taken, edited and built upon further using in-game assets to create this new scene.